Saturday, May 19, 2007

Boatyard happenings

High Country was lonely last winter and took revenge by blowing off most paint and varnish, leaving a big ol' mess to work on in the spring. Five weeks of constant attention brought us back into her good graces and she's rewarding us by hardly leaking.

High Country before

High Country during

High Country after

One of the reasons we chose Jenning Boatyard in Fairport, VA was the dogs, who are perfectly happy to retrieve all day long, as long as it's in the water.

Holy Saturday brought a holy snowstorm! My first snowfall aboard brought five inches of heavy, wet snow when we awoke. It was great.

Caught him laying down on the job with the camera this time. "Hey Rick, how does it feel to have 16 tons hanging over your head?"
I enjoy most jobs on the boat. This is not one of them. Painting the metal mizzen stand.

1 comment:

Bob and Kitty said...

Jenny and Rick:
What an incredible job you've done on High Country. All your work has really paid off. She's absolutely beautiful. Could not believe the snow picture. Unbelievable! Glad you started you blog. We'll be eagerly awaiting every post!
Kitty and Bob
s/v Equinox

Day 61 - Magical Mystery Morning

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