Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Settling south for the winter: Martha's Vineyard

Well, the Vineyard is south of Maine, so technically we did head south for the winter.

I was supposed to be the one to get a job for the winter and Rick was going to take care of the boat and home life. But by early September, nothing had worked out yet, so when an email arrived offering Rick a job at Gannon and Benjamin Railway ( in Martha's Vineyard, we made our preparations to leave ME and sail south. It has been a fantasy of his for awhile to work here and when we came through in early July, we checked the place out and introduced ourselves.

I was anxious to get to the Vineyard in order to make sure we got things organized while we still had time to flee even farther south if it didn't work out. Hence, sailing in conditions we don't normally as described in the previous post. We also wanted to arrive for the launching of s/v Charlotte, Nat Benjamin's new boat. The launching was one of the neatest events I've ever had the privilege to attend. I also learned that there are a lot of good cooks on the island.

Forty hour work weeks are rather an adjustment and not just for Rick! Also, having lives scheduled according to weeks and weekends is unusual for us, but I like to think that we're adapting rather well.

Rick is currently building a 15' launch, but took some time away from that project to help rip off the deck of this launch.

Old dinghies serve many purposes. This one has a duel purpose: a tub for soaking frames by day and a beer tub by night and weekend.

Wire tying the steam-bent frames on.

Guess I'd better get used to foggy days.

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Day 61 - Magical Mystery Morning

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