Sunday, May 3, 2020

Day 47 - A Mind Break

Not much to say these days!  Brain is strangely empty!  In the past, I would've started to freak out, thinking I was losing my drive, my edge, not having constant thoughts racing through my brain, pushing me ceaselessly forward, even while at the same time I wanted nothing more than a break from the incessant chatter.  I know it will be back, so for and now, I'm just trying to enjoy the break!  In the meantime, here are some photos.

Looking out at orchard and new herb garden.
Beginning of new herb garden
So glad garden centers are considered essential businesses!
Instant herb garden!
That first crop of the season - rhubarb!
Garlic coming along nicely in the  soft morning light.
Hoophouse plots, still rather wet.  Awaiting some warmth and dry air.

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Day 61 - Magical Mystery Morning

During the week, Scallion, Luka, and I head out for our run at 6am.  Sundays are my day off, but at 5:50am today, they made it very clear th...