Thursday, March 19, 2020

Day 3 - Signs of Spring

While the world as we know it is coming to a halt, nothing stops mother nature.  Grasses spring from the quaking bog, birds sing their song (tried to upload but failed), and peepers are sure to follow.  Though impermanence is a fact of life, I take comfort in the cycles of nature. 

Our new morning routine consists of stretching, listening to a talk from our favorite Josh Korda (see Dharma Punx below in favorite links), meditating, and taking the dogs for a walk.  Just about everything recommended for keeping one's sanity - fitness, mindfulness, walking in the woods. 

Below is a sight that never fails to make me smile.

And on a technological note, I finally figured out how to add the option to subscribe to this blog so you get an email alert every time I post, instead of having to check.  I was able to count that as "working" because I'm also starting a blog on language and literacy and needed how to add that feature.  More on that blog when it's a little further along.

Be safe!  Keep your distance!  Connect!

1 comment:

Christina V said...

Lavana sent me the link- now to figure out how to subscribe. Count me as a volunteer in your garden this season!

Day 61 - Magical Mystery Morning

During the week, Scallion, Luka, and I head out for our run at 6am.  Sundays are my day off, but at 5:50am today, they made it very clear th...