Thursday, April 16, 2020

Day 31 - Ventured Out into the Mad World

As I type this, Rick is being checked over by a doctor for mild symptoms not unlike those of COVID-19 and/or pneumonia.  He’s not been feeling well for over a week, as evidenced by a complete lack of exercise, which he had been hitting really hard prior to feeling sick.  Each morning, he thinks he’s fine, but as the day goes on a little, he starts to feel more and more tired.  He's had headaches, a slight cough, experienced some pain in his chest yesterday, and perhaps has had a fever, though it’s hard to tell with him as he usually runs low, around 96 degrees, so for him to show 98 or 99 degrees is usually concerning.  And he's taking naps every day!

He messaged his doctor Tuesday night and they called back Wednesday to have a conversation.  From that conversation, they scheduled to see him Thursday at 10 am.  They directed him to go to a separate section of the hospital, which is set up for this purpose.  Once we arrived, he had to phone them to let them know he was here and they came out to get him when they were ready.  He was instructed not to touch anything.  Five minutes after he went in, a nurse came out and wiped down the handles and locks on the door. 

So far, I’m impressed with the responsiveness and care being taken.  I was worried about him coming here in the event that he didn’t have COVID-19, that he would be putting himself at risk of being infected.  If he does have the novel coronavirus, it is certainly a mild case and could be for the best, as it would mean I probably also have it but am asymptomatic.  We could then stop worrying about getting it and potentially be more helpful to society with our important antibodies available for the taking and our actual bodies ready to help with whatever needs helping. 

It certainly is a Mad World out there in need of so much right now.  I am be grateful to be able to step out into the beauty that is springtime in the Northern Hemisphere every morning and restore some balance and sanity.  

Following are some photos of the beautiful, geometric ice creations that graced my neighbor's field this morning, before the dogs came over to see what I was taking pictures of.

This last one reminds me of the giant siphonophore that was just discovered in the Indian Ocean! 

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Day 61 - Magical Mystery Morning

During the week, Scallion, Luka, and I head out for our run at 6am.  Sundays are my day off, but at 5:50am today, they made it very clear th...