Monday, March 23, 2020

Days 6 and 7 - What I Can Do

(Microgreen Forest)

Since moving ashore eleven years ago, I have been fulfilling a life-long dream of growing all the food I eat, including some years, wheat, dried beans and corn.  Last year, in a rare moment of maturity, I recognized that I can't do it all and I scaled back my garden quite a bit because of graduate school.  I joined a CSA and eliminated whole categories of vegetables from my planting list, such as brassicas, potatoes, and corn.  Instead of fifty tomato plants, I had two!  People who know me didn't believe it at first, but visitors came and saw for themselves that I had actually done it!

(Artichoke Seedlings)

I was not going to plant a large garden again this year, but given recent events, I changed my mind.  Growing food is never a sure bet (weather, pests, disease), but neither is getting your food from the grocery store these days.  By growing a garden, I can not only better guarantee our food supply, but I can also do my part to help others by hopefully having extra to give away.  At a time when I feel at a loss as to how to contribute in a meaningful way, growing good, healthy food is something I know how to do. 

(Leek Seedlings)

(Soil blocks soon to sprout lettuce and broccoli)

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Day 61 - Magical Mystery Morning

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